
1990-1991 - those were good years for gaming, music, and to be a freshman in high school.  In that span of time I discovered Dungeons and Dragons, my gateway to the vast world of gaming.  More on that in a later post.  After a troubled bout of musical confusion in junior high (Tone Loc anyone?), a re-discovered my earlier childhood favorite - metal, especially Iron Maiden.  That opened me up to heavier bands - Megadeth, Slayer, Kreator, etc. 

At that end of that year, a friend of mine and I got our hands on a life-changing album.  Earache's Grindcrusher compilation, perhaps one of the single most important, influential collection of metal songs.  At least since Metal Blade's Metal Massacre I.  I had many favorites on that disc - Carcass "Exhume to Consume", Godflesh "Streetcleaner", Entombed "But Life Goes On."  These are all considered classics in the canon of extreme metal.  But there was one song I especially adored by the band Bolt Thrower, a little ditty called "World Eater." Little did I know that my gaming hobby and musical appreciation had just crossed over.

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