The aim here is to post content relating to my hobbies. Posts will primarily pertain to the miniatures I paint, the games I play, and whatever else I feel like posting - because blogs are really there for self indulgence. As for the painting, you'll find primarily miniatures from Games Workshop's lines: Warhammer 40,000, Vampire Counts, and Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. I also paint all of my miniatures for the board games I play (or intend to play). You'll also find posts related to news and general thoughts on the above, but only rarely.
I will be trying something a bit differently here. Rather than posting current projects, I will start with post relating to things I painted back in the mid/late 1990s. Why would anyone want to see that? Well mostly because as the hobby gets older, newer players are less familiar with how the miniature lines have evolved overtime. And among us older folks, there is a certain nostalgia for the way things once were.
What to expect? For starters, you'll see some of the classic World Eater miniatures from the 1990s. Then, there is a big gap in the 2000s when I was largely away fro the hobby. Now that I have come back to I have finished up some of those decades old projects and started new ones, including Dark Eldar, Vampire Counts, and the LOTR. But my first love remains World Eaters and Khorne daemons. I have also painted up a number of board games, including Space Hulk, Castle Ravenloft, Mice and Mystics, Arkham Horror/Mansions of Madness, and many others.
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